'Project Runway' Hong Kong

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


(星島)2009年11月25日 星期三 05:30
(星島日報報道)本港銳意發展創意產業,時裝界亦相當積極,香港製衣同業協進會早前獲政府「創意香港」辦公室撥款四百萬元,連同其他贊助,舉辦類似 Project Runway港版《天橋驕子》的「時裝世界精英大獎」,交由參賽的時裝設計師、形象設計師和時裝攝影師聯手炮製「真人騷」電視節目,正接受報名,下月港區 賽事展開篩選,終極大獎明年三月揭盅。
  香港製衣同業協進會會長鍾國斌指出,行內目前有不少知名本地時裝設計師,透過主辦「時裝世界精英大獎」有助培育新血,並增加市民對行業的認識。他說: 「政府要推動六大產業,時裝正是創意產業重要一環,早前構思以比賽形式,選出明日之星。」他說,獲商務及經濟發展局「創意香港」辦公室批出四百萬元,支持 賽事,佔總製作費六成,其餘由贊助商支持。
  比賽以三人隊伍形式作賽,下月中先選出時裝設計師、形象設計師及時裝攝影師各十六名,再由三人一組,分成十六組作賽,選出其中十隊參與明年一月舉行的 淘汰賽,產生最後六強隊伍;待明年三月,聯同六隊內地賽區勝出代表,爭奪終極大獎。得獎者作品將會在本地及海外巡迴展覽,不排除獲廠家垂青,有機會作生產 及銷售。比賽過程將剪輯成「真人騷」電視節目,明年初在無線明珠台播放,以展示參賽者共同努力創作衣裳的過程。

Fashion World Talent Awards: Hong Kong's 'Project Runway'

The Fashion World Talent Awards is a reality show contest for finding Hong Kong's toughest, brightest young talent in the fashion industry

Power stylist Tina Liu (left), Hong Kong's grand dame of fashion, Judy Mann (center) and internationally reknowned photographer Wing Shya will be the head judges of FWTA.
Tepid as the name "Fashion World Talent Awards" may be, we’re expecting cut-throat cat-fighting at Hong Kong’s first homegrown fashion reality TV show.
The formula is simple, if faintly Orwellian. Forty-eight up and coming fashion designers, stylists and fashion photographers will be grouped into teams of three, by drawing lots, and put through a four-month cut-and-sew battle while being tailed by film crews.
The winning team splits HK$150,000 and gets to hold exhibitions abroad, details of which are yet to be confirmed.
Entrants have to be under 40 years old and have two years of experience in the fashion and design industry.
“We’re targeting up-and-coming professionals in the field. While there are plenty of fashion design competitions among fashion students, there are none of the kind among professionals. We hope to give the industry a dose of energy,” said FWTA project executive Pierren Yip.
The competition will be shot in seven episodes and broadcast online and on TV early next year. Local press is already dubbing it Hong Kong’s "Project Runway."
The deadline for enrollment is December 10. Catch the action at the FWTA briefing day at Hong Kong Polytechnic University on November 16. For more details, check out the competition's official website.


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